Why aren't sizes 44 and up featured on designer racks? - Les Militantes

Why aren't sizes 44 and up featured on designer racks?

sewing accessories

How many times have we asked ourselves this question? 

Personally, hundreds of times. Is there a single answer? And is it acceptable?

In France, fashion schools teach students to design and make clothes in size 36 and only in size 36... Size 40 is already very much out of the norm in these schools... And yet, you'd think we'd start thinking about all body shapes right from school, wouldn't you? Because beyond size 44, model-making just isn't the same anymore. What can be worked in 2D and in a fairly linear way from size 34 to 42, has to be worked in 3D with size jumps from size 44 upwards. And if no one learns this, how do you expect us to progress?

This also means that very few female modellers are aware of our specific characteristics. Those who have taken an interest in this subject, to which the majority turn a blind eye, have had rather atypical careers. They are rare, and therefore hard to find. They are precious, and we must thank them. 

I also learned, when I was looking for workshops, that not all of them could make our sizes. The equipment isn't suitable. For example, not all cutting tables are big enough! This further reduces the possibilities...

As we all know, what's rare is expensive... All this comes at a cost, of course. And let's face it, making our sizes requires more fabric. So more cost. Cost... That argument so often used by designers...

Except that, while we can understand that a young brand may not be able to invest as much as it would like at the outset, the "established" brands could expand their size ranges as they go along. There's some movement on this front, but it's not the case for the majority.

Some ready-to-wear saleswomen tell of seeing customers arrive to whom they can offer nothing, as they have no items beyond size 42. Some have informed the brands they distribute of this, and have sometimes received astonishing, or rather, disgusting feedback: "our clothes aren't made for these people"... Could this be the real answer? Would it be shameful for a designer to see his collections worn by women dressed in size 54?

Finally, we often hear that these sizes aren't made because there's no demand. Yet 40% of French women wear size 44 and up. Do they walk around naked? Do they stay at home so as not to show themselves? Of course not! Brands just need to understand that by excluding them, these 40% of women don't even look at what's out there anymore, certain that they won't find their size.

That's every excuse I've ever heard or read. No matter how many times I turn them upside down, none of them is acceptable to me. But what about you?



Finding pretty, quality clothes is not easy when you're above a certain "norm". I can't wait to see your collection. Thank you for this wonderful initiative.


Finding pretty, quality clothes is not easy when you're above a certain "norm". I can't wait to see your collection. Thank you for this wonderful initiative.


Thanks Anne,
Looking forward to September ;-)

Nathalie - Les Militantes

Looking forward to your collections.
Nice and useful approach.


Thank you very much Marylin for this message which touches us so much. I can't hide the fact that here too, we're looking forward to September... Until then, have a great summer!

Nathalie - Les Militantes

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