And if we dared! - Les Militantes

What if we dared!

Leopard skirt and red silk blouse plus size

The "right-thinking" keep telling us all the time that we need to wear black to appear thinner.

That putting on color and getting noticed when you exceed the so-called "standard" sizes is frankly not a good idea.

As for prints, you have to go with parsimony, because they look better on thin girls.

That velvet for a curvy woman adds volume, and therefore, it is prohibited.

In short, society would like us to be clothed but invisible.

What if we decided to shine? To stop wearing our clothes for others, to make our own choices? What if we decided to wear color, prints and be ourselves?

What if we proved to the world that fashion is also for us, in plus sizes, at the office, with family, in the city, at the beach, in the countryside?

Society's beliefs are stubborn, but we can try, little by little, to add a color or a material to our wardrobe. We can realize, without suspecting it beforehand, that red finally suits us so well. That green doesn't necessarily make us like endive.

No matter how much we dress in plus size clothes, we can show ourselves to the world, radiant, with a good dose of confidence, because we wear the clothes, the colors, the materials that we like, and not those that they want to impose on us.

Let's dare to use color, let's dare to use prints, let's dare to be ourselves!!!!


Dear Françoise,
Thank you for your comment ;-)

Nathalie - Les Militantes

Dear Muriel,
thank you for your comment. I myself had to take a lot on myself to dare red, which I never wore before Les Militantes. But now I dare and I like it. I hope you too find the path to acceptance and, above all, that your health improves! Thanks again, Nathalie

Nathalie - Les Militantes

Let's wear what we like! And let's get rid of the diktats and injunctions of so-called fashion priestesses!

francoise Muller

When I read the first 4 sentences, I feel like I'm hearing a high priestess of fashion speak, a certain CC Magnifaïk ........
But when I look at your photos, I see a stunning person in bright red and leopard print. All in all, a great victory!
Thanks to you and other chicks who fight every day by exposing themselves, I'm starting to feel better in my head. I'm a prisoner of a body that isn't mine, just deformed by illness and heavy treatment. So thank you and bravo ;-)


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